Ọnụ ahịa efu zuru oke akpaaka 3 Station Thermoforming Machine Container Food Ime Machine

Ụdị: HEY01
  • Ọnụ ahịa efu zuru oke akpaaka 3 Station Thermoforming Machine Container Food Ime Machine
  • Ọnụ ahịa efu zuru oke akpaaka 3 Station Thermoforming Machine Container Food Ime Machine
  • Ọnụ ahịa efu zuru oke akpaaka 3 Station Thermoforming Machine Container Food Ime Machine
Ajuju Ugbu a

Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Mkpado ngwaahịa


We usually perform being a tangible workforce making sure that we will give you the most useful excellent plus the finest selling price for Discountable price Full Automatic 3 Station Thermoforming Machine Food Container Making Machine , We've been devoted to provide experience purification technology and options for onwe gi!
Anyị na-arụkarị ọrụ ịbụ ndị ọrụ na-ahụ anya na-ahụ na anyị ga-enye gị ihe kacha baa uru yana ọnụahịa ire ere.Igwe na-ekpo ọkụ nke China na igwe na-eme ka ọ dị mma,Igwe nri na-akpụ igwe ọkụ,Igwe igwe na-ekpo ọkụ maka ihe oriri, Ụlọ ọrụ anyị na-ekpuchi ebe 20,000 square mita. Anyị nwere ugbu a karịa ndị ọrụ 200, ndị ọrụ teknụzụ ruru eru, ahụmịhe afọ 15, ọmarịcha ọrụ, ịdị mma kwụsiri ike na ntụkwasị obi, ọnụahịa asọmpi na ikike mmepụta zuru oke, otu a ka anyị si eme ka ndị ahịa anyị sie ike. Ọ bụrụ na ị nwere ajụjụ ọ bụla, jide n'aka na ị gaghị egbu oge ịkpọtụrụ anyị.

Igwe ọkụ ọkụ PLA

Nkọwapụta Igwe ọkụ Thermoforming




Mpaghara kachasị (mm2)



Ụlọ ọrụ

Ịkpụ, ịkpụ, ịkwakọba

Ngwa ọdabara


Obosara mpempe akwụkwọ (mm) 350-810
Ọkpụrụkpụ mpempe akwụkwọ (mm) 0.2-1.5
Oke. Dia. Akwụkwọ mpịakọta (mm) 800
Na-akpụ Stroke Mold (mm) 120 maka elu ebu na ala ebu
Oriri ike 60-70KW/H
Oke. Omimi emepụtara (mm) 100
Ịcha Akpụkpọ Ụkụ (mm) 120 maka elu ebu na ala ebu
Oke. Mpaghara ịkpụ (mm2)



Oke. Ike mmechi ebu (T) 50
Ọsọ ( okirikiri/nkeji) Kachasị 30
Oke. Ikike nke Vacuum Pump 200m³/h
Sistemụ jụrụ oyi Mmiri jụrụ oyi
Ịnye ọkụ 380V 50Hz 3 agba 4 waya
Oke. Ike ikpo oku (kw) 140
Oke. Ike igwe dum (kw) 160
Akụkụ igwe (mm) 9000*2200*2690
Akụkụ onye na-ebu mpempe akwụkwọ (mm) 2100*1800*1550
Ibu nke igwe dum (T) 12.5

Okwu Mmalite ngwaahịa

Nke aIgwe na-ekpo ọkụIhe kwesịrị ekwesị:PLA, PP, PS, PET ect.

Ụdị ngwaahịa: dị iche ichena-emebi emebiIgbe rọba, arịa, ọkwá, mkpuchi, efere, trays, ọgwụ na ngwaahịa nkwakọ ngwaahịa ọnya ndị ọzọ.


  1. Ngwakọta igwe, pneumatic na eletriki, PLC na-achịkwa omume niile na-arụ ọrụ. Ihuenyo mmetụ na-eme ka ọrụ ahụ dị mfe ma dị mfe.
  2. Nrụgide na/ma ọ bụ oghere na-akpụ.
  3. Igwe na-ekpo ọkụ: elu na ala ebu na-akpụ.
  4. Nri moto nke Servo, ogologo nri nwere ike ịhazigharị obere obere. Ọsọ dị elu na nke ziri ezi.
  5. Igwe ọkụ nke elu & nke ala, kpo oku akụkụ anọ.
  6. Igwe na-ekpo ọkụ nwere usoro njikwa okpomọkụ nke ọgụgụ isi, nke nwere oke nkenke, okpomọkụ edo edo, agaghị eme ya site na voltaji mpụta. Obere ike oriri (ike nchekwa 15%), hụ na ndụ ogologo ọrụ nke ọkụ ọkụ.
  7. Ịmepụta na ịcha unit na-emeghe na nso nke servo moto na-achịkwa, ngwaahịa na-agụta na-akpaghị aka.
  8. A ga-akwakọba ngwaahịa na ala.
  9. Igwe na-eme ka ọkụ plastik: ọrụ nchekwa data.
  10. Enwere ike ịmekọrịta obosara nri n'otu oge ma ọ bụ dozie onwe ya n'ụzọ eletrik.
  11. Igwe ọkụ ga-apụ na-akpaghị aka mgbe mpempe akwụkwọ gwụchara.
  12. Ibu akwụkwọ mpịakọta akpaaka, belata ibu ọrụ.

Ụdị nke Isi Ngwa

Ihuenyo mmetụ aka MCGS
Servo moto DELTA
moto asynchronous NA-ACHỊ
Ntụgharị ugboro ugboro DELIXI
Onye ntụgharị OMDHON
Brick na-ekpo ọkụ AKWỤKWỌ
Onye kọntaktị AC CHNT
Thermo Relay CHNT
Mgbasa ozi etiti CHNT
Mgbasa ozi steeti siri ike CHNT
Solenoid Valve AirTAC
Mgbanwe ikuku CHNT
Cylinder ikuku AirTAC
Valve na-achịkwa nrụgide AirTAC

Ihe kpatara ịhọrọ anyị - Uru nke iji arịa nwere ike imebi ihe PLA mgbe mmachibido iwu plastik

  1. Ihe ngwọta ngwaahịa PLA otu nkwụsịtụ GTMSMART
  2. Nhazi akpa nri nwere ike imebi ihe PLA
  3. PLA- ihe ọhụrụ nwere enyi na gburugburu ebe obibi na nke na-emebi emebi nke ụwa ghọtara
  • Eco-enyi na enyi na biodegradable
  • Mgbochi griiz adịghị mfe ịbanye
  • Bara uru
  • Nguzogide okpomọkụ siri ike

Ọnụ ahịa efu zuru oke akpaaka 3 Station Thermoforming Machine Container Food Ime Machine. Anyị na-arụkarị ọrụ ịbụ ndị ọrụ na-ahụ anya na-ejide n'aka na anyị ga-enye gị ihe kacha baa uru yana ọnụahịa ire ere, anyị etinyela aka na ịnye teknụzụ nwere ahụmahụ na nhọrọ maka onwe gị!

Igwe na-ekpo ọkụ nke China na igwe na-eme ka ọ dị mma, nri akpa na-akpụ thermoforming igwe, thermoforming igwe plastic maka nri containers, Anyị ụlọ ọrụ na-ekpuchi ebe nke 12, 000 square mita. Anyị nwere ugbu a karịa ndị ọrụ 60, ndị otu ọkachamara ruru eru, ahụmịhe afọ 10, ọmarịcha ọrụ, ịdị mma kwụsiri ike na ntụkwasị obi, ọnụahịa asọmpi na ikike mmepụta zuru oke, otu a ka anyị si eme ka ndị ahịa anyị sie ike. Ọ bụrụ na ị nwere ajụjụ ọ bụla, jide n'aka na ị gaghị egbu oge ịkpọtụrụ anyị.

  • Ụdị lids dị iche iche
  • Ụdị lids dị iche iche
  • Ụdị lids dị iche iche
  • Ụdị lids dị iche iche
  • Ụdị lids dị iche iche
  • Ụdị lids dị iche iche
  • Ụdị lids dị iche iche
  • Ụdị lids dị iche iche

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  • Osote:

  • Zitere anyị ozi gị:

    Dee ozi gị ebe a ziga anyị ya

    Ngwaahịa akwadoro

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